
The Mink Skins of Denmark

Denmark has had a flourishing mink industry and this is largely evidenced by the fact that it provides at least 40% of the world’s supply of pelts. Mink pelt is actually the country’s third largest export for products originating from animals. The Saga Royal mink is one of Denmark’s pride when it comes to quality and rank. […]

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What is NemKonto?

NemKonto is Denmark’s common public payment system. Every Danish citizen is required to have a NemKonto account for the purpose of receiving all public payments made to him or her. It can be an existing bank account designated as NemKonto. The system provides for smooth processing of all payments made by public authorities to a citizen’s account using the social security number. […]


Denmark’s Official Royal Porcelain Factory

In every country, there are bound to be product brands, marks, and names that will not only come out as distinct on its own but also in its relation to the country. Denmark has such brands like these and most of those that are considered such likewise bear the royal seal of approval. One of these brands is Royal Copenhagen which is the official Royal Porcelain Factory. It is differentiated from the rest with its familiar three wavy lines which is said to represent Denmark’s three straits namely Øresund, the Great Belt, and the Little Belt. […]

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Why Foreign Businesses Should Invest in Denmark

Spotting a potential market is not the only reason why foreign businesses would decide to invest in one country. In Denmark, there are a lot of reasons why this would happen. The reasons are not by accident but rather the result of concerted efforts to make it so. According to The Economist, the Nordic countries are the best governed in the world. Denmark specifically is seen as the country with the most business friendly climate in Europe as well as having the most commercial success on record. […]

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Berlingske: Not Quite Old News

Berlingske has been providing news to the Danish people since 3 January 1749. As one of the oldest existing newspapers in the world, Berlingske or formerly Berlingske Tidende (Berling’s Times) holds a distinct position in the industry not only in Denmark but in the world as well. As most old names are wont to be, Berlingske was originally given quite a long name. […]


Danes Have the Most Positive Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship

Denmark has been topping lists left and right, which is why it’s not really surprising to learn that it has topped another one again. This time around, the Danes has topped Amway’s list when it comes towards a “positive attitude towards entrepreneurship” with 89% of Danish respondents taking on such a view and only 9% having a negative attitude. […]


Doing Business in Denmark

A growing number of people and companies are now doing business outside their countries. If you’re among them, you might want to try setting up a business in Denmark.  […]

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5 Award Winning Hotels in Denmark

Denmark is one country in the Scandinavian region that boasts of some of the world’s best hotels. The best hotels here are considered as such not only because of their unique architecture but also because of the great service and ambience they provide to visitors plus the awards they have received. Find out here five of Denmark’s award winning hotels and what made them earned the recognition. […]